Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Activities of My Life

What Did I Do

   I’m awake a lot during the night. Since I’m not sick and since these periods don’t bother me, I chalk these intervals up to age. And that is certainly true about what often happens during these periods: I think about my past. Not brooding about it, not celebrating it, just remembering, ruminating about what happened to me at some point in the past or what I then did.
   A few times I listed, so to speak, all the activities that I had engaged in during my life, leaving out, of course, the ordinary activities of living. On several occasions I found myself speculating about which of these I had spent the most time.
   I came up with a number of categories, such as reading and writing philosophy, which officially became my profession: I am a professor of philosophy emeritus. Then there was just reading. I’ve read all my life, though I was never an avid reader, nor a fast one. I’ve read fiction, but except for a brief period when Fannia and I devoured detective stories, reading novels never became a big occupation. Properly educated people would rightly look down at me in that domain.
   I once wrote a piece about reading and writing and confessed to be partial to the latter, explaining it (if that’s what it was) as a preference for being active rather than passive. So write a lot, I did, in support of jobs I held, with a quite a few papers on topics in higher education. And I write a lot about my favorite subject: me.
   Of course you would be right if you attributed that last fact to a kind of egoism, though that wouldn’t tell the full story. The basic desire—impulse, if you like—was to write. And there I was one subject I could write about without having to bother with doing research. In short, impulses to act are dragged down by laziness.
   When I started this piece, I had more activities in mind. I still do, but will continue on this theme on a future post. 

Sunday, January 14, 2018


Before Oberlin

The media are full of discussions about sexual relations in the US. I was some sort of administrator for a great many years, as dean and provost and three stints as philosophy department chair at three different institutions. While I aimed always to be “correct” and conform to the procedures pertaining to a job, I never hesitated to assert my authority within the rules that governed that job.
   Given the practices of most of those years, my male dominance was never challenged—at least not in a way that came to my attention.
   Except once.
   I was a candidate for the presidency of Oberlin and to become a finalist I had to pass scrutiny by a large committee. All seemed to go well with them, except when one committee member noted that no woman had participated in the lengthy discussion that had taken place. Was my personality quietly but distinctly anti-women?
   The decision, sensible, before making a recommendation about the Oberlin presidency, was to have some committee members interview women who had been “subject” to my authority.
   To my subsequent pleasure, that female bunch of my constituently mostly wondered what the fuss was all about and, in effect, sent them on with an unhesitating OK.
   To be sure, I nevertheless did not become Oberlin’s president; the other finalist, Frederick Starr  was the chosen one. I have speculated about what eliminated me and have come to a conclusion—a guess, to be sure.

   When interviewed by a faculty committee, I no doubt variously orated about requirements and the like. Well, the faculty rightly thought that these deanish ideas were inappropriate for a president and voted for Fred Starr.  Maybe I was born to be a dean, but not a president.

Friday, January 12, 2018

A Headline

Maybe Trump Is Not Mentally Ill. Maybe He’s Just a Jerk.--New York Times, Jan. 12, 2018

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Zionism of Yore

Emboldened Israeli Right Presses Moves to Doom 2-State Solution
After President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s party has seized momentum to strengthen Israel’s rule of the West Bank.  NYTimes, Jan. 2, 2018

   This article reminded me of a cover of a 1946 or 47 NYTimes magazine, depicting members of the Haganah marching diagonally across the entire page. Especially, I remember my reaction to it: apalled. I had been a Zionist since I belonged to the Habonim when still in Heidelberg, so that was not it. But I had not expected a Jewish Palestine to be a military state. What I there saw did not cohere with the kind of Zionist I was.
   Later on I acted on my convictions. When Begin and the Likud became the Israeli establishment, I stopped making donations to Israeli causes that were involved with its government. Now, alas, very much alas, even the organizations I had supported have become “patriotic” in ways I disapprove. So, the end of the year didn’t see my small contributions to Israeli causes. That action may mean nothing to them, but it means something to me.
   My Zionism did not have Netanyahu in mind, but I still hope that Israel can rise above the ways of nations (not a flattering tag), but if not, Jews will have achieved one goal many have been after: to be like everone else. Not my ambition, but I recognize it as legitimate. Emboldened Israeli Right Presses Moves to Doom 2-State Solution
After President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s party has seized momentum to strengthen Israel’s rule of the West Bank.