Sunday, August 31, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
A Request of My Readers
started this blog last January and while my readership is not huge, the number of
so-called Pageviews has slowly but gratifyingly been increasing. What has been quite disappointing,
however, is that I just about get no comments. I understand that commenting via the feature at the bottom
of a particular post is cumbersome.
To go around that obstacle, a very simple feature has now been added at
the bottom of the column on the right, below a second picture of me (which we
couldn’t get rid of). By that
method you can send a message directly to the inbox of my email address. You need not identify yourself and
while a return address email is required, nothing prevents you from putting in
a fictitious one.
I am
not fishing for praise nor for expressions of agreement. I want to hear other views on the topic
of the post or objections to mine, where such are relevant, or any other remark
that comes to mind. My blog may be
a Home of Strong Opinions; but it is
not the home of dogmas.
Rudy Weingartner
Monday, August 25, 2014
Liberal Zionism and I
An op ed piece
by Antony Lerman, “The End of Liberal Zionism,” in the New York Times
of August 24 spoke to me. I urge
you to read it: challenges-diaspora-jews.html?emc=eta1
Current events in Israel make it tough for Jews who
also propose to uphold humanistic values, for want of a better word. I’ve expressed my views as they
pertained to a stage before the current conflict in a post of May 31 of this year. But I am perplexed as to what I should
now do, if there is anything that I could do in response to current Middle East
events. Let me just use the Lerman
piece as an excuse for giving a brief history of my relationship to Israel,
starting well before the creation of the Jewish state itself.
As a kid in Germany (which I left in 1939 at the age
of twelve), I belonged to the Habonim and vaguely recall talk about the
possibility of a Jewish state, but remember better the Hebrew songs we sang,
especially the Hatikvah, the Jewish national anthem avant la lettre—that is, avant
l’état. I became a Zionist, if
not a very reflective one. My next
(relevant) recollection, either just before or just after the creation of the
state of Israel, is seeing a cover of the New
York Times Magazine depicting “soldiers” of the Haganah marching diagonally
across the entire page. I recall
being very dubious about the suggestion of Jewish militarism and even thought
vaguely about the desirability of a
bi-national state.
In Jewish fashion (a practice certainly not limited to
Jews), I have been writing modest checks annually, ever since I had a
predictable income and some of those checks went to the United Jewish Appeal
(which supports Israel) and a couple standard Israeli organizations. I might also add that I much enjoyed
two visits to Israel. During those
years of the Mapai there was no conflict for me between Zionism and
liberalism. But this harmony came
to an end.
At Northwestern University, where I was dean of arts
and sciences at the time, it ended with a bang. In 1976, a Northwestern faculty member, Arthur Butz, associate
professor of electrical engineering, had published a big book entitled The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case
Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jews, making him a member of the species now known as
Holocaust deniers. All hell broke loose in the Chicago
area Jewish community when that became known, propelling NU’s president into a
defensive crouch.
In response, several high profile Philo-Judaic events
were scheduled, with Elie Wiesel among the speakers. I was tapped to introduce Lucy Dawidowicz, author of The War Against the Jews. Since there had been a lot of pressure to
get Northwestern to fire Butz, my tack, appreciated by some, was to contrast
the policies of our university that only considered a faculty member’s
professional behavior with those of the Germany Butz defended. It had been established that he kept
his political views out of the classroom, where he stuck strictly to his
engineering subject. Hence no
procedure would be initiated that would lead to his being fired.
Northwestern’s penance concluded with the awarding of
an honorary degree to Menachim Begin—at a specially created ceremony rather
than, as was normal, at an end-of-academic-year graduation. By then, given the Likud practice of
establishing settlements, my liberalism had tested my Zionism severely, so I
actually considered staying away from the Beginfest. I showed up, as did a bunch of vigilant athletic-looking
Israeli bodyguards, since I feared that the absence of the Jewish dean would be
interpreted in fanciful and undesirable ways.
Not long afterwards I stopped contributing to the
United Jewish Appeal and limited my modest charity to dissenting Israeli
organizations and to local Jewish outfits.
Now we have reached a new low, rightly dubbed the end
of liberal Zionism. I fear that
for me at least liberalism is more basic than Zionism. Yes, nothing excuses or justifies the
actions of Hamas. Still, I cannot
help but believe that the Israelis are powerful and astute enough to contain Hamas
without large numbers of civilian deaths and the destruction of countless homes
that appear to have no military significance. Netanyahu may be retaining the support of his own citizens,
but he is in grave danger of turning a larger world against Israel. After the demise of liberal Zionism, will
Zionism of any kind also come to an end?
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
The True Meaning of the Tea Party
Rudolph H. Weingartner
March 10, 2010, the Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette published an op ed of mine to which the editor provided this
Party paranoia is nothing new
has always been with us, but it never wins in the end
editor there captured what I had argued in the piece, which had made use of Richard
Hofstadter's 1965 essay, "The
Paranoid Style in American Politics." This is how I concluded:
History teaches us that we've been here before. History teaches us that fear-mongering
can cause great annoyance, Injury, turmoil, even death. But history also teaches us that paranoia in
American politics, in the end, does not
too shall pass.
I may
have been right in making paranoia the main impetus for the arrival on the
American scene of Tea Party polititicos, but I can’t quite think myself back
into those four-plus years ago.
However that may be, that’s not how I see the Tea Party now. Paranoia is a disease; those afflicted
with it may be disliked, but should not really be blamed, since they actually can’t
help themselves. Now I believe
that people who identify themselves with the Tea Party—and their friends and
sympathizers—are mean-spirited reactionaries—not a disease but a constellation
of beliefs, not imposed but assumed voluntarily. (Tackling the question of the plausibility of that common
sense assumption would take us two hundred pages into the thicket of
controversies about the freedom of the will.)
Yes, reactionary, because, without
actually saying so, those proponents favor returning to a considerably earlier
state of American society, that of the decade, say, of the presidencies of Calvin
Coolidge and Herbert Hoover, 1923 to 1933, that is, to the time before FDR
changed the role of government with the creation of the New Deal. To call Tea Partiers “conservative” is thus
a grave misnomer; they want to change things to the way they were almost a
century ago; they are not aiming to conserve what exists now.
Mean-spirited, because many, indeed most, of their proposals aim at
taking away some benefit provided to fellow human beings or of preventing their
gaining such a one. Obamacare, they
claim, is a bad law. The aim,
therefore is to kill it off, without even a suggestion as to what might replace
it, so that more of their fellow Americans have access to medical
insurance. In effect, the
naysayers don’t regard it as a problem that so many of their confrères are without that safety
net. Similarly, Medicaid—an
existing healthcare program for people with insufficient income to afford it on
their own—need not be expanded to cover more people, even when you federal government
will foot the bill.
And why
has the Tea Party not tackled Medicare?
Surely only because a larger proportions citizens over 65 vote than does
of the population generally.
Surely for similar reasons, there have not been loud demands to revive
the George W. Bush proposal to privatize Social Security, though there has
certainly been propaganda to reduce benefits and to up the age of
eligibility—to be sure, not starting with the generation that votes now.
Finally, to conclude with two additional economic targets, Tea Partiers
have dragged their feet about increasing unemployment benefits. Never mind that the surge in
unemployment was caused by the recent Great Recession, for which those
unemployed bear zero responsibility.
Wall Street does (and they are not suffering) and so do those Tea Party
sympathizers avant la lettre who
steadfastly opposed effective regulation of the financial world.
second, Tea Party and friends have persistently opposed raising the minimum
wage, now a shabby $7.25 per hour.
Give me a couple of sentences to say what that means. If someone who is paid that hourly wage
works a full forty hours a week for each of the 52 weeks in the year (and who
actually does?), he or she will have earned $15,080 for the year, supposing no
deductions. Posit against this
that the poverty level for a family of four is now $23,850 a year and for a family of two it is
$15,730. Think single mother with
one child, working non-stop for the year and think of inevitable expenses for
the care of the child. Is it not
the case that to be satisfied with this situation is a symptom of
mean-spiritedness? Also
reactionary because, since asks for a return of the days before the New Deal.
Finally, a couple of paragraphs about the Tea Partiers views concerning
immigration, knowing full well that they will be inadequate, even though I will
not take up the recent surge of unaccompanied children from Central
America. But let’s begin with
children. There may be as many as
four million born in the United States, but to illegal immigrants. According to our law, the requirement
for citizenship (other than via naturalization) is not parentage, but the place
of birth—that is America. This
simple criterion has historically distinguished us from many a more finicky
country, in Europe and elsewhere.
But it has been a good law for the US and accounts in part for the
“attractiveness” that has produced so varied and versatile a population. Still, there are those who want to add
further requirements: now that I’m a citizen, let’s introduce hurdles that
resemble nothing so much as those of a class-stratified society of 18th-century
central issue, however, for Tea Partiers, is what they have called amnesty. At this time, there are about 12
million people living in the United States who entered the country
illegally. They all broke the law,
so they should not escape an appropriate punishment—not to mention that they
should not be rewarded for their transgression with legitimacy or, perish
forbid, citizenship.
I will
confine myself to two observation, granted that this is a much bigger
topic. First, a significant number
of those “illegals” are illegal in a Pickwickian sense at most. A sizeable number—I was unable to find
a reliable estimate—were brought here as children by their illegally arrived
parents. We consider giving
amnesty (or not) to someone for something she or he did, for an action
performed. Those children did not do anything, they did not decide to
come here and then come; their parents did that—they were just taken
along. The issue of amnesty is as
irrelevant for those children as it would be for someone who failed to show up
on time because he got lost in the woods.
about the issue of amnesty for the bulk of those 20 million illegals, that is,
the adults? As far as I can
determine, Tea Partiers are opposed to a procedure that leads to any kind of
legal status. That would be
rewarding people for having committed a sin, to express the point in terms of
the Calvinism that underlies the ideology we have been discussing. But on the other hand, no one proposes
out loud that those millions should be deported, not because that would be
found to be undesirable, but because it just isn’t feasible.
does that leave us? Nowhere. Tea Partiers, to be sure, recognize
that there is a problem, a serious problem. But for them, no solution is acceptable. So much for governing.
A final
observation of a quite different sort.
Those adherents of this ideology who are members of Congress or are officeholders
in various so-called conservative foundations and institutes will not at all be
negatively affected if everything all they agitate for were to come to pass.
These folks are employed, “earning” salaries that vary from very comfortable to
cushy, scare quotes intended. The
same cannot be said for the many ordinary citizens who subscribe to these Tea
Party views. Indeed, any number of
those who put their vote where their beliefs are may be unemployed or in danger
of losing their jobs, be without adequate health insurance or are liable to be,
or are disadvantaged because of the stinginess of the minimum wage.
To me
it is a matter of amazement that so significant a number of people should vote
against their own interest. In the
end, I can only suppose that for many the Tea Party ideology is not a bundle of
mere beliefs, but amounts to a theological dogma. After all, the United States is the most religious country
in the developed world.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Is the Demise of the Student-Athlete
in Big-time Sports Finally in Sight?
is rumbling in the world of big-time college sports and with a little luck
there will be an uproar before too long.
It’s about time, since for many decades—a century really—unending
numbers of deep problems have been seen to be rooted in the fact that college
students, who as such are subject to academic requirements for admission and
continuation as students, are the agents who carry out the mission of
entertaining untold thousands by playing basketball and, especially, football. (The football stadium of the University
of Michigan has an official capacity of 110,000 and is said to be able to hold
crowds larger than 115,000.) Each
time a new problem pops up, a band aid with ineffective adhesive is applied,
leading to a concatenation of rules and principles that, while making Ptolemy’s
epicycles look streamlined, manage above all to inspire evasions of every
recent rumbling began with former football players at Northwestern University
who, as co-founders of the College Athletes Players Association, proposed to
have such college athletes unionize.[2] They convince me about the many issues
they raise, grievances that reveal that these high visibility student athletes
are exploited in a variety of ways.
Indeed, the whole notion of student-athletes in Division I mainline
spectator sports is deeply suspect.
As long
ago as in the first decade of the 20th century—a hundred years ago,
that is—David Starr Jordan, then the founding president of Stanford University
(after having served a stint as president of Indiana University) declared,
presumably with a sigh, that it would be much better if the University hired
young men just to play for Good (not very) Old Stanford, letting them take
courses if they wanted to. If the
pattern he had in mind were followed, a group of colleges and universities
would take on the role for football and, presumably, basketball that minor
league clubs do for baseball.
Perhaps the step now taken by the Northwestern football players will
lead there in the long run.
this proposal implemented, there would of course have to be various rules
concerning the conditions under which these young athletes are hired, rules
about their compensation, treatment, and how long they may retain their positions,
and so on. Such a batch of
regulations, however, could easily be a model of simplicity and succinctness
compared to the wads of pre-and pro-scriptions of the NCAA. I would propose that part of the
compensation of these youngsters be the permission to take courses and even
work toward a degree, but that, on the one hand, they would not be required to
do so but, on the other, that in their (voluntary) role as students, they would
be subject to the same rules and requirements as are “regular” students, except
that they would be permitted to take fewer courses at any one time than those
regulars are or, indeed, none at all.
flatly reject two possible objections to such a scheme. The less plausible one is the
supposition that these hired hands would not give their all in playing their
athletic roles for the institution.
Why wouldn’t they if they are treated well, especially considering that
their performance will surely be the main determinant as to whether they will
be promoted, so to speak, to the major leagues.
A more
plausible one—or at least one that I have heard expressed a number of times—is
that the fans of the University of Michigan’s Wolverines (and their
equivalents) would less enthusiastic about their team and lessen their
attendance at the games. I concede
that there may be a wobbly period of transition, but I would confidently
predict that it would not last very long.
The difference between before and after is, after all, purely cerebral
and not at all experiential.
Whether a spectator sits in the first row or in the gods, as the French
say, he or she would not note anything different from what they had seen
before: broad-shouldered young men running and throwing and clobbering each
other. (See “Gladiators Then and
Now,” my post of February 11, 2014.)
Assuming the spectators are there because they enjoy watching football,
they will continue to enjoy just as much as they did before the change of the
players’ status; they will get used to it.
while we are deflating myths, let me conclude by denying two additional
ones. A vigorous student-conducted
athletic program is needed to inspire donors to contribute to the coffers of
the college or university. People
make contributions for all kinds of reasons, from everywhich sort of motive. Those who give money because they are
enthusiasts for one or another college sport, it has been noted more than once,
don’t endow chairs in literary study, the give money that will support some
aspect of athletics.[3]
wrong with giving money for athletics, especially—to turn to the second
myth—since all kinds of games are played with the budget for that
enterprise. The fact is that a
woefully tiny fraction of institutions actually derive an income from athletics. At the vast majority of colleges and universities
more is spent on spectator-oriented athletics than it brings in. This would even be clearer if the
bookkeeping were honest. Alas, it
is not unusual to have the recruitment of athletes charged to the Office of
Admissions, the maintenance of the stadium debited to Buildings and Grounds,
the use of college vehicles charged to the carpool—and so on. In short, many institutions don’t even
know what their big-time athletic costs them—especially when they don’t really
want to find out.
Northwestern footballers have started something that ultimately may, finally,
see the transformation of athletics in higher education. But while I am eighty-seven years old
and don’t expect to live long enough to see the culmination of this new start,
I hope that some of my readers will.
[1] When I was
provost at the University of Pittsburgh, I was asked to be the new member of
the group of three that would determine which football player candidates would
be recruited as one of the few permitted by the NCAA who did not conform to
standard requirements. When I
suggested, when the first case was being considered, that we look at his
transcript, I was puzzled by the raucous laughter by my experienced partners. The transcript, I was told, came from a
high school that specialized in feeding football players to colleges such as
Pitt and that they were all doctored—a euphemism for falsified.
[2] In the
interest of full disclosure, I was dean of arts and sciences at Northwestern
from 1973 to 1987. During some of
those years Northwestern and my alma mater, Columbia College, were neck and
neck for the longest losing records of their football teams. Northwestern has done somewhat better
[3] When I
taught at Vassar, its president came back from a trip to California and
reported to the faculty that an alumna had given the College a tidy sum to
create or refurbish (I have forgotten which) a playing field. When he was chastised by the faculty
who had very different priorities, he said rather plaintively that this particular
donor was a sports enthusiast and would not have provided funds for anything
else. “Should I have turned down
her gift?”
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